Publicus is a partner and reseller of CloudFinder. CloudFinder allows you to double secure your cloud data. Defined as “The only cloud backup solution you’ll ever need”, Cloudfinder is a seamless software solution for all your organisation’s cloud backup needs. From one user interface you can back up, search, restore, and get a data overview across all Cloudfinder’s supported SaaS services, including Office 365, Salesforce, and Google Workspace.
As with most cloud solution providers for email, document management, CRM the data is hosted and stored in secured data centres but with a limited restoration period. For example, should you delete an important email or a file by mistake and only noticed this 3 months later, it is unlikely you will be able to restore the file or data. This is a limitation of the service provider as they will restore data up to 1 or 2 months maximum.
With CloudFinder, your data is backed up separately in secure data centre and data can be restored any time at any point.